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9907-164 WOODWARD 超速测试按钮

Woodward 9907-164 调速器的主要功能是监测和调整旋转机械设备的转速,以确保其在所需的工作范围内稳定运行。这种调速器通过接收转速反馈信号,与设定的目标转速进行比较,然后调整燃料供应或其他控制参数,以实现对转速的精确控制。



这里列出的设备是9907-164型号,505和505E基于微处理器的总督控制单元的一部分。这些控制模块是专门设计来操作汽轮机,以及涡轮发电机和涡轮膨胀器模块。505/505E系列初由伍德沃德公司开发、生产和制造。伍德沃德是美国历史悠久的工业制造商,成立于1870年,今天仍然是市场上领 先的工业公司之一。这些505和505E型号可从我们这里在AX控制公司作为我们的库存的一部分,但修复和修复的数字硬件。



9907-164配备了一系列离散和模拟输入:16个接触输入(其中4个专用输入,12个可编程输入),然后6个可编程电流输入,在4到20 mA。9907-164的标准功能包括临界速度避免,阀门限制器,自动启动顺序和关闭的先出指示器。

9907-164  WOODWARD    超速测试按钮
The device listed here is the 9907-164 model, a part of the 505 and 505E Microprocessor-based governor control units.  These control modules were designed specifically to operate steam turbines, as well as turbogenerators and turboexpander modules.  The 505/505E series was developed, produced, and manufactured originally by Woodward Inc.  Woodward is the oldest industrial manufacturer in America, founded in 1870, and still, today remains one of the leading industrial companies in the market.  These 505 and 505E models are available from us here at AX Control Inc. as a part of our inventory of used, yet reconditioned and repaired digital hardware.

The 9907-164 unit is designed to control the steam turbine by operating a single extraction and/or the admission for the turbine.  It utilizes the turbine’s split-stage actuators, either one or both of them, to drive the inlet valves for steam.

This unit, like any of the 505 governor modules, is able to be configured in the field by the on-site operators.  The menu-driven software is controlled and altered by the operator control panel integrated onto the front-facing side of the unit.  The panel has a display of two lines of text, 24 characters per line.

The 9907-164 is outfitted with a series of discrete and analog inputs: 16 contact inputs (4 of them dedicated, 12 of them programmable), and then 6 programmable current inputs, at 4 to 20 mA.  The standard features included into the 9907-164’s capabilities are the critical speed avoidance, valve limiters, the auto start sequence, and the first-out indicator for shutdowns.

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